Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Dates & Frozen Yogurt Make A Sweet Combination

People have been falling in love (or at least in like-you-a-whole-lot) in restaurants and over shared food since the beginning. It's no secret. Rather than be obvious and take your date to a swanky place established couples go for Valentine's dining, it might be better to try a low key place like Freeziac and have some fun during  a potential boyfriend or girlfriend test drive (or depending how you look at it, memorable first-date experience).

Here are some first date "tips" to follow to help you along on what can either be a disaster of a time or the start of something sweet.

1. Time It Right

Your first date should be timed to perfection, and I don’t mean the time you show up for the date, but rather how long the date lasts. Try to keep the date under 2 ½ hours long. This will give you an escape route if things go badly, pretty quickly; and it will also help build some anticipation in the other party. It’s this anticipation that is crucial to you seeing your date again.

2. Pick A Place Good For Conversation

Most people find trying to have a chat in a nightclub very frustrating. It’s important therefore, that any venue you choose allows for a conversation without undue strain or distractions. First dates are all about getting to know the other person and making a connection. Loud noises tend to get in the way of that.

3. Plan Ahead For Cost

There is nothing more embarrassing than going on a date and having “money” issues. It tends to put a real damper on things and can leave people feeling uncomfortable. When you are trying to make a connection with someone the last thing you need is a cloud hanging over the date.

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